Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Have a problem? Let me solve it.

Have a problem?  Let me solve it.

Anyone who is a parent knows that it is really easy to solve our kids’ problems for them.  Sometimes it’s faster and more convenient just to have it over with.  I’ll help you clean up, I’ll help you with your homework, I’ll help you with that argument you’re having with your sister, I’ll help you buy that thing you really, REALLY, want.  But we also know that when we solve problems for others, the end result is that those people never learn to solve their own problems or take responsibility for their own actions.  This can too easily be applied to situations that HR professionals come into contact with every day.

Someone comes into your office complaining about so-and-so did such-and-such, or my job is not what it was cracked up to be, or the sink in the community kitchen is full of dirty dishes,  AGAIN.  Amateur HR pros will take it upon themselves to hang that sign in the kitchen saying “please be courteous to others and clean up after yourself.”  Or they will schedule a meeting with the conflicting parties to “work it out.”

What if we helped these people brainstorm solutions they can implement themselves?  After all, if HR hangs that sign in the kitchen or sends an email to everyone telling them to stop acting like children, the result is the email CC phenomenon.  The message goes out to everyone and no one acts.  Instead, make a list of ideas that will force the individual to take ownership of the solution.  (Using the dirty sink example), option A:  do the dishes yourself; option B:  sit in the kitchen, watch for the offenders, and reprimand them in the act; option C: do not use the kitchen sink; option D: forget about it and worry about things you can control. 

Chances are the person with the problem will choose choice C or D, and magically, the HR pro's time is freed up to do things they have been trained to do.  In HR, as we encounter interpersonal issues, complaints, conflicts, etc., we should give consideration to helping people solve problems for themselves, rather than trying to be the small-problem solving hero.  HR can then spend more time on big initiatives that impact the business, and create an image among other business leaders that we have an important role in future success.

Make a List

Looking for a new job?  Make a list.

You’ve heard it before – lists are the epitome of organization for any endeavor.  They help you plan.  They help you think.  They help you accomplish things and get rid of what’s been on your plate.  Take into consideration the power of list making when you begin a new job search.  It will make a big difference in the outcome.

You started your search for a reason. Maybe you need better hours, or better pay, or better balance.  Maybe you are looking for an organization that offers more opportunity for challenge or managing others.  Maybe you are looking for a different position altogether, or maybe you are looking to move geographically.  Chances are there are things you want to change, and things you want to stay the same.  Writing these things down helps you remember why you started, so that you don’t find yourself in another job hunt in a year or two.

Before you apply – write down 5-10 things that you ENJOY about your current work situation, and then 5-10 things you would change if you could.  Whittle down each list until you are left with 3-5 things you simply cannot live without. The deal-breakers, so to speak.  Now, as you job search, do NOT sacrifice those things.  Any time we get caught up in making a change, we tend to get swept into the excitement of it and the more likely we are to want to change things for the sake of change.  Chances are if you go that route, change for the sake of change will only lead to you wanting more change down the road.

Each time you are presented with a job opportunity, take out your list.  Do you have any reasons to believe the opportunity will not accommodate the things on your list?  If so, don’t apply or don’t accept the offer.  Let your list guide your decision and don’t sacrifice the things on your list.  Hold out for something that you truly believe will fulfill your dreams and desires.